Crazy times we are experiencing right now. This message is to welcome many of you who don’t know much about me beyond our connection via Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. I am taking an extended break from it due to the overwhelming amount of (mis)information being shared. Truthfully it isn’t just social media – it’s also 24 hour news stations. Others may find value in it but frankly, it is too much for me. I’ve done short breaks in the past but this one could be permanent.
That being the case, I will be posting and sharing via my site which has been stagnant for far too long. For anyone who is a first time visitor check out the blog entries and you’ll learn more about me than you probably want. 🙂 You can also hit me via the contact page. I welcome any messages you take the time to write.
Stay tuned. Also be blessed, be well, breath and be present!