A few friends have asked how I find the time to practice with a full time job and family. The truth of the matter is it isn’t hard to find the time for something if it’s important to you. In most cases I have found that time isn’t the problem when it comes to practicing, it is usually summoning motivation and energy – especially in 2020.
I get up around 6:30 AM every day (even weekends). Some days I may get up as early as 5:30 if having trouble sleeping but I rarely stay in bed past 7. I remember how hard this was at first. The first few attempts were me moving from the bed to the couch downstairs to continue sleeping! The thing that helped me was starting this habit when daylight savings ended. Rolling clocks back an hour helped make 6:30 AM feel like and hour later to my body and by the time the clocks were scheduled to spring forward, I was deeply accustomed to rising before or with the sun.
The thing I like most about getting up early is I get to carve out time for myself before sharing my energy with the rest of the world. I tried putting in work at the end of the day but I was usually too tired and unable to focus. I also felt as if I was giving my passion left over energy. It was garbage time and that wasn’t acceptable for a goal/passion that was supposed to be very important to me.
I’ve been getting up early since before my first son was born 9 years ago and now it is automatic. It is honestly my favorite part of the day. Another unplanned byproduct of this practice is I am almost always in a better overall mood when I do it. Spending valuable time on myself first makes me much more receptive to giving time to others, whether that is making breakfast for the kids, driving someone to work or sitting in a long system planning meeting.
If you’re looking to add time for practice or study and haven’t seriously tried it, consider waking up a bit earlier in the day. While it may feel like torture the first few weeks, I promise you will get into a rhythm if you stay consistent and remain diligent. The satisfaction of dedicating time to something important to you will reap tremendous benefits towards your goals and ultimately your overall attitude as the day unfolds.
Quick housekeeping note – I know a few people registered to be notified when I add new content. Two weeks ago I posted this but forgot to turn on notifications. If you missed it feel free to check it out and as always thank you for visiting. I do hope everyone is well.
Thanks for sharing how you stay focused and are able to manage your creative life as well as your family responsibilities. It’s great hearing how other creatives manage this never-ending shifting dynamic. It helps to remind me that it’s always worth the time to continue tried and true, as well as new ways to make that happen, since all are super important in the greater scheme of things.
Thanks for checking this out. I think now more than ever we need to put in work to keep the light shining bright. It benefits us all. Hope you’re doing well.
Eric, thanks for sharing your regimen. I have also found over the years that making my practice time an unchangeable part of my daily routine means I put the time in every day.
Keep swingin.
Steve! Practice is vital. Even when I don’t feel like doing it, I will either come around and get into a groove or I’ll stop knowing that I at least made an effort for the day. Sometimes that is enough as it keeps the routine in tact. Good to hear from you man. I hope you’re doing well.