After two weeks of rock solid practice (minimum of 1.5 hours a day) I feel like I’m finally back on track with where I was before. My tone is back and I seem to warm up faster than I did during my rough period. If nothing else this little experience proved to me that if I am going to play the trumpet — I’ve got to put in the work regularly. No more than one day off a week (if that) and my sessions must be focused and driven with a purpose. Whether that focus is good clean sound, smooth slurs and articulation or learning to improv on the C minor scale – it must be focused. Sound will my guide for all of these things.
I will admit to really being down in the dumps with regards to my playing and I am sure everyone who visits this site could see it. I even questioned my personality and wondered if perhaps I was not aggressive enough to play trumpet! I thought that perhaps the flugelhorn is more my cup of tea! I am to the point where I will not concern myself with what others are capable of doing after 2.5 or 3 years of playing. It is difficult to do but it doesn’t do anything but cause me to question the hard work I’ve already put in. This may mean that I have to spend less time on trumpet bulletin boards and more time in the practice room playing and listening to the masters (something I think we could all benefit from).
I fall back on some advice given to me in January of this year…
don’t let range frustration ruin your day. Think like a painter… you can still express line, form, color and texture… the canvas is just smaller.
This weekend I listened to some early Prestige Miles Davis. As usual, Miles spoke to me. There is plenty of music to be made with the notes that I have under my belt. I haven’t even begun to use the canvas that I have!
I wish everyone a blessed Thanksgiving.