Hoping this message finds everyone doing well and safe. The times now are just as troubling as when I posted my last entry which seems long ago (it was and I apologize for that). In truth, I would have hoped that globally we would find ourselves in a different place by now. The pessimist in me says things are pretty much the same but the voice of my inner optimist is starting to speak up more. With it’s help I am trying to grasp the positive things that flash across the news and use them to soothe my always anxious spirit. Most of the time it works.
One new habit I have started since the pandemic began is listening to more podcasts. There is so much great material available now with musicians sharing their thoughts on the state of the world but also on how they have tried to remain creative, inspired and hopeful. Some of my favorites podcasts have been You’ll Hear It, The Jazz Session with Jason Crane, Pablo Held Investigates, Stir Crazy with Steve Jenkins and the Third Story with Leo Sidran. In many of them I find inspiration as a musician but also as a human being trying to navigate through this hot mess we currently find ourselves in.
I still have days when I noodle or don’t pick up my bass at all but I have been proud of my consistency as of late. I keep a journal and this is the longest that I’ve ever logged my practice time and thoughts. It has been extremely helpful. Sessions has been more focused with no more than two areas of growth focus with the rest of my time spent trying to maintain or improve technique.
I am hoping this entry is the start of a plan to write something at least once a week. Even if it is just a paragraph or two. Perhaps I’ll share some of the inspiration I heard of my favorite podcasts or what I’m working on musically. Regardless, I think coming here and writing will be another form of therapy and I feel like I need all that I can get.
Till the next one – be well and stay safe.