Why I play?

I love this music – Jazz.  I’m writing this entry while listening to a
few of my personal favorite players…  Irvin Mayfield, Jeremy Pelt, Ingrid
Jensen, Roy Hargrove, Donald Byrd, Miles Davis…  I could write on and on
about the expressive music that has completely captured my heart and soul. 
I should not be surprised when the music itself was created using those same
very important elements – heart and soul poured into every phrase, every
note…  every unplanned use of space.  It is that same love that
drives me to practice and work at getting better at the trumpet.  I want to
be able to express that which is not expressed with words…  those
feelings trapped inside of me that cannot be relayed with the spoken word. 

Sure I have my moments when the horn frustrates me to no end.  I’m
having one of those moments now.  I wonder why I ever wanted to play such a
demanding instrument.  The perfect remedy for those
detrimental thoughts is a good listening session.  Today Irvin Mayfield’s
"When Passion Falls" was the cure.  Last week it was Miles Davis
"Porgy and Bess."  There is plenty more where that came from.

The music has woven itself into the fabric of my being and to turn from it
now would be denying who I am.  That is NOT happening…

Going to go practice now…  enjoy your Sunday.

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